Our Caller/Cuer

Wendie Harrington

Wendie started phasing in as the new caller for our
club in the spring  of 2022 when we were finally able to safely dance
again after our CoVid shutdown as Deb and Ray Schmidt were starting to plan
their move to Castlegar.  She had shared teaching duties with our previous
teacher, Ray Schmidt, for several years. Wendie first became interested in
calling while helping teach beginner’s classes for the Travelling Squares club.
She has attended caller schools in Victoria and at Circle Eight Ranch in
Washington . In addition to teaching square dancing she also shared calling
duties for the Sand Dollars Club in Parksville. She is a cuer for the Island
Gems Round Dance club and has also choreographed and published several round
dances. As well as 
squares and rounds she has been a line dance teacher
for the Harbour City Seniors for many years. Wendie and her husband Herb first started dancing in the early 80’s. They had a long break while raising their family. After Wendie retired in 2004 they came back to dancing and have been very involved in the local square dance community ever since.