Club History


In November of 1958 the “Shirts and Skirts’ Dance Club was formed.  They danced in the old Brechin United Church Hall.  The beginner classes became too large for one club so another was formed in 1962 called the “Dogwood Dancers”.  In September of 1965 both clubs amalgamated and were called the “Amalgam-Eighters”.  After many years the club moved to the Lantzville Costin Hall and danced there on the first and third Saturdays of the month up to 2013.  We then switched to the second and fourth Fridays of the month as the Diamond Squares and Circle 8’s had retired their clubs so that time slot was vacantWhen the Brechin Shirts and Skirts and the Dogwood Dancers amalgamated in 1965, the name Amalgam-Eighters was chosen for the new club.


Jim and Ada Heard had been calling for the Brechin Shirts and Skirts and the Dogwood Dancers and continued calling for the Amalgam-Eighters until they retired from calling in May 1968.  They came out of retirement in September 1976 and called until May 1984.

From September 1968 to May 1976 Doug and Elsie Anderson took over calling duties for the club.

Mike and Lena Groenendyk called and cued from September 1984 to May 1993.

Marino and Rebecca Danesin then took over calling and cueing from September 1993 on the third Saturday of each month until 2010.  Guest callers were hired for the first Saturday of the month until Bob and Veronica Wright joined us in 1996 until 2010.

The club danced at Brechin United Church hall until 1996 (except for 1974-1975 season at Princess Anne School).  In 1996 the club moved to the Costin Hall in Lantzville and continues to dance there.

From 2010 we were pleased to have caller Garry Dodds and Pat Zeeman join us on the first Saturdays and Ray and Deb Schmidt and Al Jonsson and Lorna Corbet alternate calling/cueing on the third Saturdays for a year.  Then Al Jonsson and Lynette McLeod took over the third Saturdays from 2011 to 2013.  For the 2013 to 2014 season we changed our dance nights to the second and fourth Friday evenings with Garry and Pat alternating with Al and Lynette.  For 2014 Debbie Schmidt took the place of Garry and Pat alternating with Al and Lynette..


Rebecca and Marino DANESIN, Duncan BC

Rebecca grew up in Surrey and after graduation took some courses at Malaspina College.  She then was employed by the Ministry of Heath in Port Alberni were her parents retired and learned to square dance.  She was encouraged to join her parents square dancing.  

Marino is an Island fellow born in Cobble Hill and he met Rebecca at a bowling alley in Port Alberni through his brothers girlfriend.  Marino was attending Malaspina College at the time and when Rebecca moved to Duncan, Marino knew something important was missing in his life.

Marino and Rebecca were married in 1982 and began round dancing and square dancing in Duncan.  Rebecca filled in for the round dancing instructor when he became ill and that started Marino thinking about calling.  She started a beginner class in 1986 and then took over the class in 1987 and Marino learned to call and started beginner classes in 1990.

There were two clubs in Duncan who already had callers so Marino began calling for the Amalgam-Eighters in 1991 with Mike Groenendyk and then with Bob and Veronica.


Rebecca continued to teach round dancing after the club in Duncan closed in 1995 for a few more years.  Rebecca and Marino have a very busy life with a daughter born about the time Marino started calling with the Amalgam-Eighters and then three boys were added to their family in 2002.  They plan to join with us dancing from time to time and we look forward to having their company.

Bob and Veronica Wright

CALLERLAB and ROUNDALAB members, Bob and Veronica learned to square dance on retiring to Vancouver Island in 1991, after having worked a combined total of 67 years for the federal government (Department of National Defense).  

Bob caught the calling bug and was soon calling and teaching Square Dancing for the Amalgam-Eighters in Nanaimo (1994 – 2010), sharing calling duties with the Danesins; the Sand Dollars in Parksville (1996-2003), and the Circle and Squares Plus Club in Nanaimo (2003-2008), sharing calling duties with Wolf Clar.  Veronica cued Round Dances for all three Clubs.

Bob has served as Secretary and Vice-President of the UVICTA, while Veronica has been Round Dance Coordinator for the same organization.

In addition to attending Festivals and Conventions in Canada, Bob and Veronica have traveled to Whitehorse, Yukon for the Alaska State Square Dance convention in 1998, Boise, Idaho for the US West Square Dance convention, and several time to Lolo, Montana where they learned to dance the Plus program.  

They attended three of Martin Mallard’s week-long caller schools, two in Saskatoon and one in Victoria, as well as several shorter (weekend) schools presented by other caller/coaches.

As caller/cuer couple for Amalgam-Eighters, over a few years, they taught summer dance lessons for new graduates, brush-ups, and a summer of Plus at St. Marys Church in Nanoose.  For several years they taught beginner lessons from Sept. to April at St. Michaels Church hall in Wellington and at Pleasant Valley hall.  They were also very committed to presenting dances three or four times a season at nursing homes in Nanaimo to the delight of the seniors and staff.  Their community service also included dancing with Brownies at Costin Hall, and dancing with teen recreation classes at Dover High School in Nanaimo.

Bob and Veronica always encouraged Club members to participate in Goofers Night and were very helpful in providing tapes and music for those who wanted to try calling.  


Sadly both Bob and Veronica have now passed on but are remembered fondly by all who danced with them.

Deb Schmidt

Ray Schmidt

Deb Schmidt started as  our full time caller/ cuer in the 2017/2018 season.  Deb shared the duties with Al and Lynette the previous year.  Deb called/cued for our club   (mainstream ) and for Circle & Squares ( plus ).  Deb was lucky enough to work with Wolf Clar, but her main teacher is, and always will be her husband Ray!  In Deb’s own words she and Ray just love calling and cueing.  They’re a great team and work well together.  Deb had been cueing for 10 years before taking up calling.


Ray, who also called for the Sand Dollars in Parksville, was the main teacher for square dance lessons for our club.  Deb and Ray have been Square dancing since 2004. In October of 2022 Ray and Deb are relocating to Castlegar to enjoy a well deserved retirement crom their day jobs. We expect we will be hearing of a new dance club forming in Castlegar!!


1965-69        Jim & Ada Heard

1969-75        Doug & Elsie Anderson

1975-84        Jim & Ada Heard

1984-93        Mike & Lena


1993-96        Marino & Rebecca                               Danesin (3rd Sat)

                       guest caller (1st Sat)

1996-2010    Bob &Veronica Wright

                       (1st Sat)

                      Marino & Rebecca

                      Danesin ( 3rd Sat)

2010-2014   Garry Dodds & Pat

                      Zeeman ( 1st Sat)

2010-2011    Ray & Debbie Schmidt

2010-2011    Al Jonsson &Lorna 


2010- 2015   Al Jonsson & Lynette


2014-2022    Debbie & Ray Schmidt

2022 –           Wendie Harrington



1965-66     Jack & Verna Bowe

1966-68      Tom & Wig Macdonald

1968-69      Norm&Marnie Woodhall

1969-71        Nelson & Peggy Yates

1971-73        Chris & Margurite


1973-75        Ralph & Jean Wilson

1975-77        Verna &Chester Bowlby

1977=78        May & Jim Jenkins

1978-79        Mabel & Harold Bohart

1979-81         Bruce & Doris Coleman

1981-82         Ernie & Hilda Stevens

1983-84        Ray & Pat Garton

1984-85        Shirley & George Kress

1985-86       Bill & Doris LaFortune

1986-88       Ron & Elaine Kelly

1988-91        Roy & Lauraine Digby

1991-92         Anne Gonske & John


1992-94        Bill & Doris LaFortune

1994-95        Betty & Tom Russel

1995-97        Levena & Bob Bebault

1997-99        Ken & Marie McCallum

1999-2001    Vera &Chester Bowlby

2001-2005    Russ Bates

2008-2009    Maurice &Fiona 


2009-2010    Marlene Hedch

2010-2011        Marjorie Yarish

2011-2013          Diane & Murray


2013-2014        Marion McIntyre

2014-2019         Diane & Murray


 2019 -2022     Marilyn Marshall

2023                  Bonnie & Matt



1975-76    Edith & Fred Alcock

1976-77   Jean & Ralph Wilson

1977-78  Jim & Ada Heard

1978-79  Mabel & Howard Bohart

1979-80  Doris & Bruce Coleman

1980-81   Joan & Micky Damery

1981-82    Pat & Ray Garton

1982-83  Gwen&Harvey Kennedy

1983-84  Hilda & Ernie Stevens

1984-85  Geraldine & John Girard

1985-86  Esther & George Chisholm

1986-87   George & Shirley Kress

1987-88    Berniece & Jack Millott

1988-89    Bill & Doris LaFortune

1989-90    Marie & Ken McCallum

1990-91      Lauraine & Ray Digby

1991-92      Hazel & Allan Galloway

1992-93   Helen & Phil Robertson

1993-94   Katrine & Bert Gibbs

1994-95   Margaret Barr &

                    Don  Bjorge

1995-96    Betty & Tom Russell

1996-97     Levina & Bob Bebault

1997-98    Vera & Chester Bowlby

1998-99     Sheila & Derek Smith

1999 – 2000  Rita & Irving Waxman

2000-01    Peter & Roberta                                   Sharples

2001-02  George & Grace Venables

2002-03  Alwine Osterman

2003-04  Ellie & Frank Brien

2004-05   Marj & Boris Yarish

2005-06  Claire Marten & 

                    Fran Gilpin

2006-07  Diane & Murray Thomas

2007-08  Jan & Robin Routledge

2008-09 Marlene Hedch

2009-10 Maurice & Fiona                                  Shrubb

2010-11    Jim Erkiletian &

                Janette Briere

2011-12    Mark & Eileen Bennewith

2012-13   Chuck Speerin &

                 Laverne Lee

2013-14   Ken & Marie McCallum

2014-15      Bill Erickson &

                  Sue Ottley

2015-16 Linda & Paul Inscho

2016-17   Margie Cooper &

                 John Archer

2017-18 Berniece Ward &

               Marlene Hedch

2018-19Diane & Murray Thomas

2019-20 Joy Reitan &

                 Susan Falk

2020-23 Covid Closure

2023-24 Chris & Eileen




1996 Ernie & Hilda Stevens

1997  George & Esther Chisholm

1998  Bruce & Doris Coleman

1999  Bert & Katrine Gibbs

2000 Ray & Pat Garton

2001  Ken & Marie McCallum

2002  Don Bjorge & Margaret Barr

2003  Chester &Vera Bowlby

2004  Sheila & Peter Hartman

2005  Bob & Lourdes Maitland

2006  George & Shirley Kress

2007   Frank & Ellie Brien

2008  Bob & Veronica Wright

2009  Ken & Berniece Ward

2010   Murray & Diane Thomas

2011    Robin &Jan Routledge

2012    Bill Erickson& Sue Ottley

2013    Gerry Dixon 

             & Marion McIntyre

2014    Chuck Speerin & 

            Laverne Lee

2015     Mark & Eileen


2016-17 Ray & Debbie Schmidt

2017-18.  Berniece Ward &

                Marlene Hedch

2018-19. Linda 7 Paul Inscho

2019-20. Brian & Shirley Vint

2020-21 Ken & Marie


2021-23 – Covid Closure

2023     Ron Ervin &

               Lynette McLeod

2024  Herb & Wendie 
